Wow, we are already in the month of December! The weather is getting colder, please make sure your students' names are on their coats.
Here are some upcoming events......
December 2nd-13th- Food Drive- Lintott will be collecting items through the 13th to be donated. I have posted a flyer with items that the food bank is collecting and also information about the Mama Mia performance WF West students will be putting on!
December 6th- PTO Movie Night- Chehalis PTO will be hosting a movie night at 5:30. Please see more details on the PTO flyer.
December 10th @ 6:00- 1st grade musical- Apperson, Bradley, Hunziker, Maddux, Rakes
December 12th @ 6:00- 1st grade musical- Albert, Chrisman, Hawkins, Leppell, Minor.
December 19th- Schoolwide Pajama Day
December 20th- Early Release @ 12:15
Thank you,
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Pohlman.